Reflection Post

When I first started COM 210 I didn’t really know what to expect, I wasn’t a big tech person so I didn’t know if I was going to struggle with the class or not.


My favorite project from the semester was the video project because I felt as though that the video project was truly something I could show myself and show my passion for communication and why I truly love my major.


Even though the logo project was my most challenging I think that I benefited from that project the most  because it showed me skills on how to make my own logo which is important for anyone who is trying to have their own business one day but I feel as though that all of the projects from this semester will benefit me for my future career because even if I don’t end up as an entertainment publicist I still think it will help me have the skills for other careers in the communications field.


I really want to become an entertainment publicist it started out when I went to a Chris Brown concert and I saw the radio host outside and it sparked my interest in communications and then I did a little bit more research into communications and decide it would be better to major in two majors to widen my opportunity in the communication world with the knowledge I will have from both broadcast news and public relations with my minor in pop culture.


I really enjoyed taking this class even though I would often get frustrated while doing the projects because something didn’t work how I wanted it to work or something disappeared and I would have to start over I really grew to enjoy COM 210 and highly suggest keeping this class for students to take because I think it’s a great opportunity for students to widen their learning skills with technology and programs.

Final Video


The video project was the main project I was thinking about this whole semester. I knew my topic was typically a little different from other topics and since it was a little different I wanted my video to be different.


I wanted to make a commercial for my business because I think it could possibly help me later on in my future or if I really wanted to get a head start I could show this to possible small clients and I could use them to build up my resume and help me get a good job after college.


The material used in the video were previous videos I had taken at events I went to unfortunately at the time of the events I wasn’t really into making videos so I didn’t know much about landscape and portrait so all of my videos are in portrait mode but I wanted to use these videos because it represented clients I am aiming to attract so athletes, singers, rappers, etc.


I got inspiration from a YouTube introduction video because the video is kind of similar just people having different videos put together at events they went to. I wanted this commercial to be relatable because most publicist/businesslike commercials aren’t really relatable and depending on what job it is I guess relatable isn’t really the goal and to be professional is but being a publicist I feel as though you should be relatable to the client because you are often sometimes writing about their life and personal business and so if they can’t relate to you than they probably won’t trust you to know about their life or personal business and that’s not going to help your job very much.


I enjoy working on this video not only because it’s representing something I want to do in the future but because I liked looking back at the videos I had took at events I had been to and it felt like I was reliving that time at the event.

Video Draft


The video project was the main project I was thinking of when I picked my topic. I always had the idea of like having a commercial for my company but never really knew how to go about it my original thought was to record someone and like make a little like jiggle or something but I thought that was a little cheesy.


Since this is the rough draft I haven’t come up with audio yet but I am thinking about soft music in the background with my voice over the music talking about my company and why my company is useful but I am not sure if you have any ideas that would be greatly appreciated.


The videos used were previous videos I recorded from events I had gone to. I haven’t added transitions or anything like that and I may trim some videos and record some new videos and put them in the video. I kind of got inspirations from intro videos on YouTube because they use videos of themselves at different events and I wanted my video commercial to be very chill and relatable because I feel like a lot of professional are so businesslike it doesn’t typically make people relate to the company and if people don’t relate to publicist the people who are supposed to be representing them and writing stuff for them to post or speak it wouldn’t give that company a lot of business.


I hope by the end of this project my video will come together and turn out just how I want it. When I am done with the final hope to have the video reflect the different events and people my company represents and also help people get a little understanding how I am as a person so they could feel at ease about me representing. I want to eventually start representing people next school start with more small local people and businesses and then eventually have a stepping stone for when I graduate and use this video and clients to help me get a job with a good company.

story board and Raw Footage

 TJT Commercial

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:36 Player Introduction My “clients” are the players on the football team
0:37-1:55 Promo video for the football team The promo video is me showing the good reputation my clients have
X:XX-X:XX  Warming up for the game My clients warming up for there game to show what my clients do
I am going to edit some of the video footages so the timing of it may change  


Final Audio Story

I decided to make a narrative story in a sense. I never really told anyone why I wanted to be a publicist and to some people it was random but this audio story is explaining how I decided I wanted to major in something that helped me become a publicist. The first part of the audio story is me explaining how I got the idea of becoming a publicist and the second part is me explaining why having publicists are important for people who are trying to maintain their image. When I first made my audio story I just threw the audio on there and lined them up to sound correctly but since I had music in the background I didn’t do anything to it when I made the draft, I just put it together with the other audio sounds. The feedback I received from my group members was all about the music, the music was really loud to the point where you could barely hear me speaking. Not realizing I went back and listened to the audio story and realized that indeed the music was much louder than my voice, so I went back into the audio story and lowered the volume of the music. This project is important to me because I haven’t really told anyone the story behind me wanting to become a publicist and I truly one day hope that I can become a publicist. I’m glad this project turned out well because I really struggled with figuring out what to do because coming up with audio without a video is a bit of a struggle but this idea just popped into my head. So far this has been my favorite project just because I feel like I really got to express myself in this project and show people the true meaning of my topic.

audio story draft


I decided to create a narrative story in a sense. For the first part I am explaining how I got the idea of wanting to become a publicist and the second part I am explaining why people should invest in publicists and the importance of publicists. I tried to come up with something that promoted my business and why people should use my business more than others but I couldn’t really come up with anything so if anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated. When creating this I had a tough time deciding what to make for an audio story because I feel like audio would be hard for anybody’s topic unless they are just talking about their topic in general but with a little thinking I figured out what I was going to do. I have an older computer so it was a little hard for me to use the software because the program ran really slow I couldn’t record the audio on my computer due to my computer being a older, so it was kind of difficult to record the audio on my phone then transfer it on my computer once I got the audio on my computer I wanted music to go in the background of me talking so it wouldn’t be boring just me talking on a audio track. I feel as though my audio story may be a little boring still even with the music so if you have any ideas feel free to give advice or if you think the music is kind of distracting please give advice how to improve or if you think I should just completely remove the music please let me know. I’ve had the thought of majoring in communications since I was in 10th grade and over time my ideas of what I wanted to do with a communications degree blossomed into me wanting to become a publicist.

Final Logo Design

Logo design

I created a 3d pencil with my business name going down the pencil and I put a blue circle around the pencil with entertainment publicist going around the inside of the circle. I created this because my topic is being an entertainment publicist which they make statements etc. for athletes, singers, big events and to make sure that they look good in the public eye. I didn’t really look at logos before creating this because I didn’t want to accidentally make a logo that looked similar to ones that were already created. The feedback I received was to add a little bit of ombre or possibly add a pen or another element to the logo and add a phrase or saying to the logo to give it the spice it needed. I took the feedback I received into consideration and added a gradient to the main part of the pencil and the lead. I also decided to keep it simple and instead of adding a pen I added a circle so it wasn’t too bland but there isn’t too much going on. I use the redesign process because at first I was going to make the pencil a pen but then I had a hard time trying to incorporate my business name which I felt is an important part to my logo because if I was to put this logo on my business cards the first thing someone would want to see is what’s my business name and second of all what my business does. I created all of the elements in my logo on illustrator I figured out how to make 3d shapes since the tutorials didn’t show us how which was difficult but the best way to figure things out is to just explore so that’s what I did was explore the software. Creating everything else in my logo was pretty easy because of the tutorials.