Final Video


The video project was the main project I was thinking about this whole semester. I knew my topic was typically a little different from other topics and since it was a little different I wanted my video to be different.


I wanted to make a commercial for my business because I think it could possibly help me later on in my future or if I really wanted to get a head start I could show this to possible small clients and I could use them to build up my resume and help me get a good job after college.


The material used in the video were previous videos I had taken at events I went to unfortunately at the time of the events I wasn’t really into making videos so I didn’t know much about landscape and portrait so all of my videos are in portrait mode but I wanted to use these videos because it represented clients I am aiming to attract so athletes, singers, rappers, etc.


I got inspiration from a YouTube introduction video because the video is kind of similar just people having different videos put together at events they went to. I wanted this commercial to be relatable because most publicist/businesslike commercials aren’t really relatable and depending on what job it is I guess relatable isn’t really the goal and to be professional is but being a publicist I feel as though you should be relatable to the client because you are often sometimes writing about their life and personal business and so if they can’t relate to you than they probably won’t trust you to know about their life or personal business and that’s not going to help your job very much.


I enjoy working on this video not only because it’s representing something I want to do in the future but because I liked looking back at the videos I had took at events I had been to and it felt like I was reliving that time at the event.

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