Video Draft


The video project was the main project I was thinking of when I picked my topic. I always had the idea of like having a commercial for my company but never really knew how to go about it my original thought was to record someone and like make a little like jiggle or something but I thought that was a little cheesy.


Since this is the rough draft I haven’t come up with audio yet but I am thinking about soft music in the background with my voice over the music talking about my company and why my company is useful but I am not sure if you have any ideas that would be greatly appreciated.


The videos used were previous videos I recorded from events I had gone to. I haven’t added transitions or anything like that and I may trim some videos and record some new videos and put them in the video. I kind of got inspirations from intro videos on YouTube because they use videos of themselves at different events and I wanted my video commercial to be very chill and relatable because I feel like a lot of professional are so businesslike it doesn’t typically make people relate to the company and if people don’t relate to publicist the people who are supposed to be representing them and writing stuff for them to post or speak it wouldn’t give that company a lot of business.


I hope by the end of this project my video will come together and turn out just how I want it. When I am done with the final hope to have the video reflect the different events and people my company represents and also help people get a little understanding how I am as a person so they could feel at ease about me representing. I want to eventually start representing people next school start with more small local people and businesses and then eventually have a stepping stone for when I graduate and use this video and clients to help me get a job with a good company.

3 thoughts on “Video Draft

  1. Hi Tierra!

    First of all I like your concept, it is really original and I think this video has a lot of potential!

    For the audio I think hype music would work best in putting your clients in the best light possible, since athletes seem to be your focus, I do not think chill music would work the best. I also think trying to get video from multiple angles would help make the transitions cooler, that or some sort of text transitions would suit it nicely! Also if it is possible I think using a horizontal video would suit what you’re trying to project best, also would make it look more professional.

    Good luck on your final stretch of the semester with this video and in your other classes!


  2. Looking back at my project I still like the concept I am going for because it still gives a personal feeling and look which I am really big on because I want people to relate to me and be able to trust me being their publicist, and knowing some of their secrets that could possibly get out that they don’t want to get out.

    I like the material I have but I am going to try to get the vertical videos to turn horizontally because I saw some websites or something that will rotate videos so hopefully that will work to make the videos look better. I also want to add a few more videos maybe of some players I have some friends on the team so I am going to try to see if they would be willing to let me record them.

    I also want to add music to some of the clips like maybe hip hop or something of the sort because I am a big fan of hip hop and that is energetic and relates to me, for the other clips like the concert ones I am thinking of letting the actual audio of those videos play just to really give that full effect of the concert. I also want to speak over some clips and maybe add some cool voice effect on my voice so you don’t just hear my plan boring voice.


  3. Hello Tierra, I like the idea of your video. A collection of events and things you like/people you look up to as well as introduction to your channel would make for a good video for your subject. However there are definately some things you could improve on it. For example, your video is all vertically recorded. I understand this is a hard problem to fix because you weren’t thinking about this when you took them, but if you could find a way to crop them to horizontal or maybe seperate them with horizontal shots, it would look much more proffesional. Also, I would suggest adding some narration and the original audio from your videos play together. I think including the audio would make your project a lot more emmersive. Overall, your video has potential, it is just very raw right now I think it will turn out pretty good.


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