audio story draft


I decided to create a narrative story in a sense. For the first part I am explaining how I got the idea of wanting to become a publicist and the second part I am explaining why people should invest in publicists and the importance of publicists. I tried to come up with something that promoted my business and why people should use my business more than others but I couldn’t really come up with anything so if anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated. When creating this I had a tough time deciding what to make for an audio story because I feel like audio would be hard for anybody’s topic unless they are just talking about their topic in general but with a little thinking I figured out what I was going to do. I have an older computer so it was a little hard for me to use the software because the program ran really slow I couldn’t record the audio on my computer due to my computer being a older, so it was kind of difficult to record the audio on my phone then transfer it on my computer once I got the audio on my computer I wanted music to go in the background of me talking so it wouldn’t be boring just me talking on a audio track. I feel as though my audio story may be a little boring still even with the music so if you have any ideas feel free to give advice or if you think the music is kind of distracting please give advice how to improve or if you think I should just completely remove the music please let me know. I’ve had the thought of majoring in communications since I was in 10th grade and over time my ideas of what I wanted to do with a communications degree blossomed into me wanting to become a publicist.

3 thoughts on “audio story draft

  1. Hello Tierra! I think that your theme is very unique, and I have not seen anything like this before, so I think it is very interesting. I am also majoring in communication, so I think that this is a very easy theme for me to relate too. One thing that I love about your draft is that you added music. However, I do have a few critiques. My first critique is that you have your music going while you talk. I think that this is a little distracting and makes it harder to hear you. A suggestion that I have is that you could have the music play at the beginning and the end of your clips. Or you could change the volume on your speaking parts to be louder and change the music to be quieter. Another critique is that you do not interview anyone else. I think that this would make your final amazing if you were to have someone else’s opinion! I think that this is a very good draft and I cannot wait to hear your final version.


  2. Hi Tierra, I really like how your mixdown is looking. I like the content that you’re delivering and in the way that you’re doing it! I love the narration aspect of your piece. I think one area for improvement is the background music. I think it should be turned down significantly because the background music almost takes away from your narration because it’s so loud. I also think you might consider changing the track. It’s a very upbeat track for a slower, more methodical narration. Because your narration is the focal point of this piece, there shouldn’t be anything else that should take from it. Again, I really like your content and what you have to say. I don’t think anything from the speech should change.


  3. My topic is important to me because becoming a publicist is a possible job for me after college. When I was thinking of an audio story it was a little difficult for me because I didn’t think there was anything that would sound like it would go with my topic but then I thought about explaining how I wanted to become a publicist and why publicists are important. Listening back to my audio story I hear the music significantly louder than my voice to the point where you can barely hear my voice so moving onto my final project I need to figure out what to do with the music. I only got two comments on my post but they both talked about the music saying that it was cool but a bit of a distraction because it was so loud so one suggestion was to either make at the beginning and the end or make it to where you could hear my voice over the music


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