Introducing my topic

My topic is becoming an entertainment publicist I chose this as my topic because this is a future career I want to pursue and when I am really passionate about something and have a goal I tend to do everything I can to achieve it.

I plan to collect original materials like photos, audio recordings, and video footage because I know different athletes, music artist, performers, etc. so I plan to act like their publicist and take different photos, audio recordings, and video footage of the people I know.

One idea I have for one of the unit projects is a poster promoting one of my clients giving them more publicity and then the other idea I have for another unit project and creating a logo for business cards and websites.

Necessities to become an entertainment publicist part 1  

you have to at least have your bachelor’s degree in public relations, communications, journalism,  business or English. with different skills like web page creation, oral and written communications, computer skills including graphics, etc.

Rogers & Cowan

Rogers & Cowan are one the entertainment publicist companies I’ve discovered and that they had a successful company because they have represented people like Britney Spears, Elton John, Rolling Stones, etc.

Necessities to become an entertainment publicist part 2

This website informed me that you have to available 24 hours because someone could contact you about your client at anytime and you don’t want to miss it also informed that your client must trust you!



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